First of the candidates for the Behemoth-on-sea elections based on a sketch by the lovely Mr E. Got a bit carried away with the clothes. His trousers have a proper fly and his jacket has working pockets. As a child I hated dolls whose clothes couldn't be removed because they were either glued or sewn on so all his clothes have proper fastenings too. Jonathan made me stop as I was about to make him some y-fronts (although I may still make them). I'm working on the next candidate now.
I just said "That's fantastic!" on Mr E's blog so it's only right that I say it here too.
That's fantastic!
(And I'm all for the Y fronts myself).
Quite remarkable work, F.M! Does he come with a small baby to kiss? or is that tempting fate with those big gnashers?
He's amazing, Blog Mistress! Man, you're talented. The shot of him walking away is hilarious ;)
Thanks guys! I've already got plans for the baby (three eyes of course!). I'm also tempted to do a sleaze campaign.
SO great! Just found your blog and I will be back to check often. I love the suits, just amazing.
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